1º encontro do novo grupo do Fórum de Restaurantes: saiba como foi

Saiba como foi o primeiro encontro do novo grupo do Fórum de Restaurantes! A iniciativa visa trazer mais integração com parceiros e melhorias
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Fórum Restaurantes

O novo grupo do Fórum de Restaurantes do iFood começou os trabalhos em seu primeiro encontro realizado no mês de junho.

A iniciativa começou em março de 2022, com o objetivo principal de oferecer uma melhor experiência aos negócios parceiros do iFood. Os encontros contam com participação fundamental de um grupo de donos de restaurantes, que representam os mais de 300 mil negócios que atuam na plataforma.

Depois de um ano, o grupo de representantes foi renovado para um novo ciclo de reuniões do Fórum. Dessa forma, novas ideias são apresentadas e novas soluções são elaboradas.

A definição do novo grupo

A escolha do novo grupo para compor o Fórum de Restaurantes foi um processo cuidadoso por parte do iFood.

Foram mais de 1.500 inscritos em todo o Brasil. Se o primeiro grupo contava com 20 participantes, o novo ciclo terá a presença de 24 membros.

São 16 tipos de culinárias contempladas, com variedade no tamanho e modelos de negócios. A escolha dos membros diz respeito à geografia do país, dando presença para diferentes regiões.

Ao longo do ano, a contribuição dos membros será ativa, assim como a do iFood, em encontros online e presenciais para trocas, escuta, aproximação e diálogo. Um processo de colaboração para melhoria contínua.

O Fórum de Restaurante renovado

O novo grupo foi recepcionado com uma apresentação sobre o iFood, uma atividade para integrar o grupo e uma importante contextualização sobre o Fórum e os avanços realizados ao longo do primeiro ano de reuniões do antigo grupo.

Nessa contextualização, foi possível mostrar a importância que o novo grupo terá para as novas soluções que serão debatidas dentro dos próximos encontros do Fórum.

A Agenda de Melhoria Contínua foi contextualizada, visto que ela é um dos principais instrumentos para os avanços nas soluções e inovações para a plataforma iFood

Muitas das melhorias foram elaboradas em conjunto ou pensadas a partir das reuniões do Fórum. Para continuar avançando, o Fórum também debateu outros assuntos.

Experiência do Restaurante

O iFood trabalha constantemente para melhorar a experiência dos restaurantes parceiros. Para além de oferecer ferramentas e funcionalidades mais fáceis, a aproximação e o diálogo são fundamentais.

Ter uma escuta genuína e transparente com os parceiros, para contribuir com a prosperidade do negócio.

São mais de 500 pessoas do iFood trabalhando nas soluções das dores dos restaurantes em todas as áreas.

As decisões seguem um processo contínuo de colaboração, com três pilares:

  • transparência;
  • escuta;
  • melhorias.

A dinâmica para o grupo

Para debater alguns dos temas foco, a dinâmica implementada dentro do Fórum foi a divisão dos membros em quatro grupos.

Cada grupo tinha seis membros, um conselheiro e um líder do iFood para tratar de alguns temas sobre atendimento. Esse grupo era modificado para discutir os temas relacionados ao Gestor de Pedidos.

Assim, as 24 pessoas conseguiram ser ouvidas efetivamente pelo iFood, colaborando com suas opiniões e visões sobre o Gestor de Pedidos e o Atendimento, assuntos centrais deste primeiro encontro.

Próximos passos

A agenda dos próximos quatro meses foi confirmada. Serão dois encontros on-line (nos meses de julho e setembro) e dois presenciais (em agosto e outubro).

Quer saber como funciona o Fórum de Restaurantes, na prática? Assista a uma transmissão ao vivo do encontro, que aconteceu em 14 de fevereiro de 2023!

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Por iFood

3.243 respostas

  1. https://iamwomanacademy.com/where-can-you-buy-ceylon-cinnamon/

    Lately, I’ve been trying some Ceylon Cinnamon Recipes because I heard this stuff is the real deal when it comes to cinnamon. I got my hands on some Ceylon Cinnamon Powder, and wow, the difference is huge! The moment I opened the jar, the aroma was incredible—way richer and more complex than the regular cinnamon I usually use.

    I started by swapping out the usual cinnamon in my cinnamon roll recipe with this Ceylon powder. Let me tell you, those rolls were on another level. They had this amazing depth of flavor that made them taste like something you’d get at a fancy bakery. I also tried adding it to my morning oatmeal, and it was like a cozy hug in a bowl. It made my breakfast feel so much more special.

    I didn’t stop there—I also explored some Ceylon Cinnamon Products. I grabbed a few cinnamon sticks and even tried some cinnamon-infused teas. The sticks were perfect for making mulled wine. They added this deep, warming flavor that made my drink feel like a holiday in a glass. And the cinnamon teas? Totally relaxing and perfect for winding down at the end of the day.

    All in all, adding Ceylon cinnamon to my kitchen has been a game-changer. It’s amazing how a little change in spice can make such a big difference in flavor. If you haven’t tried Ceylon cinnamon yet, you definitely should. It’s been a fun and tasty discovery for me, and I can’t wait to keep experimenting with it!

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  3. https://neurofeedbackalliance.org/community/profile/victoriabaier22/

    Lately, I’ve been trying some Ceylon Cinnamon Recipes because I heard this stuff is the real deal when it comes to cinnamon. I got my hands on some Ceylon Cinnamon Powder, and wow, the difference is huge! The moment I opened the jar, the aroma was incredible—way richer and more complex than the regular cinnamon I usually use.

    I started by swapping out the usual cinnamon in my cinnamon roll recipe with this Ceylon powder. Let me tell you, those rolls were on another level. They had this amazing depth of flavor that made them taste like something you’d get at a fancy bakery. I also tried adding it to my morning oatmeal, and it was like a cozy hug in a bowl. It made my breakfast feel so much more special.

    I didn’t stop there—I also explored some Ceylon Cinnamon Products. I grabbed a few cinnamon sticks and even tried some cinnamon-infused teas. The sticks were perfect for making mulled wine. They added this deep, warming flavor that made my drink feel like a holiday in a glass. And the cinnamon teas? Totally relaxing and perfect for winding down at the end of the day.

    All in all, adding Ceylon cinnamon to my kitchen has been a game-changer. It’s amazing how a little change in spice can make such a big difference in flavor. If you haven’t tried Ceylon cinnamon yet, you definitely should. It’s been a fun and tasty discovery for me, and I can’t wait to keep experimenting with it!

  4. https://brainit.co.in/where-do-i-buy-ceylon-cinnamon/

    Lately, I’ve been trying some Ceylon Cinnamon Recipes because I heard this stuff is the real deal when it comes to cinnamon. I got my hands on some Ceylon Cinnamon Powder, and wow, the difference is huge! The moment I opened the jar, the aroma was incredible—way richer and more complex than the regular cinnamon I usually use.

    I started by swapping out the usual cinnamon in my cinnamon roll recipe with this Ceylon powder. Let me tell you, those rolls were on another level. They had this amazing depth of flavor that made them taste like something you’d get at a fancy bakery. I also tried adding it to my morning oatmeal, and it was like a cozy hug in a bowl. It made my breakfast feel so much more special.

    I didn’t stop there—I also explored some Ceylon Cinnamon Products. I grabbed a few cinnamon sticks and even tried some cinnamon-infused teas. The sticks were perfect for making mulled wine. They added this deep, warming flavor that made my drink feel like a holiday in a glass. And the cinnamon teas? Totally relaxing and perfect for winding down at the end of the day.

    All in all, adding Ceylon cinnamon to my kitchen has been a game-changer. It’s amazing how a little change in spice can make such a big difference in flavor. If you haven’t tried Ceylon cinnamon yet, you definitely should. It’s been a fun and tasty discovery for me, and I can’t wait to keep experimenting with it!

  5. https://healthywellness.site/where-do-you-buy-cinnamon-oil/

    Lately, I’ve been trying some Ceylon Cinnamon Recipes because I heard this stuff is the real deal when it comes to cinnamon. I got my hands on some Ceylon Cinnamon Powder, and wow, the difference is huge! The moment I opened the jar, the aroma was incredible—way richer and more complex than the regular cinnamon I usually use.

    I started by swapping out the usual cinnamon in my cinnamon roll recipe with this Ceylon powder. Let me tell you, those rolls were on another level. They had this amazing depth of flavor that made them taste like something you’d get at a fancy bakery. I also tried adding it to my morning oatmeal, and it was like a cozy hug in a bowl. It made my breakfast feel so much more special.

    I didn’t stop there—I also explored some Ceylon Cinnamon Products. I grabbed a few cinnamon sticks and even tried some cinnamon-infused teas. The sticks were perfect for making mulled wine. They added this deep, warming flavor that made my drink feel like a holiday in a glass. And the cinnamon teas? Totally relaxing and perfect for winding down at the end of the day.

    All in all, adding Ceylon cinnamon to my kitchen has been a game-changer. It’s amazing how a little change in spice can make such a big difference in flavor. If you haven’t tried Ceylon cinnamon yet, you definitely should. It’s been a fun and tasty discovery for me, and I can’t wait to keep experimenting with it!

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